Funny Tumblr Posts About Leo Nico Di Angelo Headcanons

☠︎︎ π‘΅π’Šπ’„π’ π‘«π’Š π‘¨π’π’ˆπ’†π’π’ 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 ☠︎︎

• His favourite movie is Edward Scissorhands

• He sleeps in Will's shirts because they're too big making them super comfy

• He likes to raise skeletons from the ground and use them to terrorise new campers

• L e a t h e r J a c k e t s

• Hiking boots. At all times.

• A lot of people come to him at times of loss because he is one of the only people that actually knows what it will feel like to die and isn't afraid of it.

• He and Will decide to get pets after they move in together but they can't decide so they both come home with different animals. Will gets a Golden Retriever and Nico gets a three legged black cat that looks like it just returned from the depths of the underworld. (Maybe because it did)

• When he doesn't want to talk to someone he just shadow travels out of the situation.

• He doesn't let random doctors treat him any more. Just Will. He needs someone to practice on.

• He doesn't know how to swim.

• He listens to The Lonely Island on repeat.

• Is a cinnamon roll but would probably kill you to protect his friends and a family.

• The Apollo kids taught him how to play the drums so he could surprise Will but now he just sits in the corner playing death metal on the drums. It drives the neighbours insane.

• Has a soft spot for 80s and 90s romcoms but tries to hide it. Only Will knows.

• Likes to fix random things around camp without telling anyone so that they are surprised when they are magically mended.

• Skips between Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter so that he can keep up with all his friends.

• Is absolute besties with Reyna and they facetime every other night to talk about everything and anything.

• Has tattoos that remind him of the things that make him happy.

• Grows up to become a Thanatologist (doctor death).

☀︎︎ π‘Ύπ’Šπ’π’ 𝑺𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 ☀︎︎

• Has the names of the patients he has lost tattoed on his arms.

• Oversized hoodies.

• Occasionally dyes his blonde hair different colours.

• Has a golden retriever named Egg.

• Favourite show is Scrubs.

• Favourite movie is The Fault in Our Stars.

• Wears flannel shirts all year round.

• Is friends with everyone and everyone loves him.

• Graduates Med School early.

☺︎︎ π‘Ίπ’π’π’‚π’π’ˆπ’†π’π’ 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 ☺︎︎

• They have three kids; RenΓ©e, George and Elliot

• They bring their whole family to pride parades to show that gay couples can have kids too.

• They live in Long Island so that they're always close to Camp Half Blood.

• They have the walls in their house painted to look like the sunrise on one side and the night sky on the other.

• They are overprotective over each other and their kids.

• They have movie marathons at the weekends, they buy big bags of popcorn and fizzy drinks for it.

• Their house is littered with hidden celestial gold weapons so that they can defend their family from monsters. The kids have been carefully instructed not to touch them though.

• Having a lot of free time at camp, Nico becomes a master chef and cooks every meal for his family.

•Will is a morning person. Nico is a night owl.

• Gives supplies to the homeless and takes in homeless half bloods that they think are too young to go to camp yet. They make sure they feel safe and comfortable and always have a room free for anyone that needs it.

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i. nico ⟿ people of victory

          ii. wavy dark hair, streaked brown amidst black. brown eyes like cinnamon that would be kind if they were not quite so haunted. pink lips that rarely move. pale skin. red circles rimming dark eyelashes. the constant chatter of ghosts. fingers curling around the hilt of a sword. roaring anger, like the pump of blood in your throat. a quiet death. the clatter of bones. the stain of pomegranate juice, like blood down chins. big sweaters and knee-socks. dark eye makeup and dangling earrings. silver rings on thin fingers.

                      iii. how easy it is to want to belong, like a deeply ingrained desire. you want to be a part of something. so how sad it must be, to be born of death, and to be haunted wherever you go. everyone i love dies, so run away before you trail more grief in your wake. you're made half of flesh and half of brittle bones, and you're only fifteen years old.

                                       iv. " your death would be great for me. "

                                                                   v. kyoto by phoebe bridgers. i'm gonna kill you, if you don't beat me to it

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i don't talk about PJO a lot on here but. the PARALLELS between nico and leo dude

traumatic loss of a close family member and the only one they had left

isolated from other people, ever the outsider

queer (tell me leo isn't gay. tell me right here right now. i'll fight you i promise)

godly parents are outsiders

autistic (once again i will fight you on this)


bottling their feelings up

the only real difference between them is how they dealt with the same issues, nico by becoming sullen, bitter and withdrawn, and leo by using humour as a coping mechanism and being withdrawn in his own way

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do you have any solangelo headcanons?

I haven't read the books so like, bear with me here

Warnings: implied nico being insecure about his body, food, relapse, separation anxiety

When Will first met Nico he went through his own emo phase. He got his ears pierced and some of the older counselors found this sunshine kid trying to look like a goth ridiculously funny. They bought him chains and fake lip piercings to go along with the "look." They still bring it up whenever conversations get dull

Nico steals Will's hoodies. All of them. If will can't find a hoodie or shirt, then chances are it's in the Hades cabin. Nico claims he likes them because they're big and smell like Will, but he also likes them because they don't show off how skinny he is. After all the malnourishment and how frail and thin he is from it, he likes the way that Will's hoodies hang off of him. That way people aren't looking at him for how skinny he is rather they look at him because of how large that sweatshirt is.

Kayla and Austin were the first people to know they were dating. It wasn't intentional, no. Kayla had brought it up with Will that they should involve Nico more. He was finally out of the infirmary but he spent all his time alone in his cabin. It's not like he had anyone to hang out with, and the healers—specifically Will—made it very clear that they'd have his head if he trained. So Will started including Nico more and more. Boat rides in the lake, light training, having the hades cabin join the apollo cabin for capture the flag. They started dating in secret, but no one thought much of it since then spend all their time together anyways. It was far past midnight and the movies were still rolling. Nico was falling asleep eyes drooping and leaning into Will's side, whispering a tiny "night, Tesoro." Kayla and Austin shared looks with Will, deciding that they'd talk to him in the morning and let Nico sleep

Will has an older sister. She's a lot older than him and had already moved out by the time he was 4. She lives in Texas, and attended college in Florida. She has long blonde hair with purple ends, she lives with her girlfriend, her cat, and wants to get a turtle. She and her mortal father are rebuilding their relationship and sometimes she tours with Naomi. Some of Naomi's shows will open with a mother-daughter duet. She's actually tiktok famous for her singing, life hacks, and trying to climb every single thing she sees

After they've been dating for a while they learn that one of their favorite spots is the Strawberry fields. One day they agree to meet up for their date, Will told him what time to arrive so he could set up the picnic he planned. Nico takes this as his opportunity to shadow travel and show up in a black plaid skirt and carefully drawn on eyeliner. He can't help but grin at the look on Will's face

If Will casually mentions he wants something, like a certain shirt or something but it isn't in the store when they go into town, Nico will casually shadow travel to another location—if it's in-state or not— to get it and give it to Will the next day. Nico walks in on Will one morning when he's sad and homesick, so Nico shadow travels to his house in Texas and gets Naomi to bake some cookies for him to bring back to Will. Will cries happy tears at the taste of home, but also because Nico forgot that he could have just brought Will home with him

The separation anxiety in Nico is strong. He's lost a lot of people in his life, some of them he can't even remember, but the pain is still the same. He realizes quickly that if he doesn't hear Will's voice or see him in person for a couple of hours, he'll throw himself into a panic trying to find him. Demigods don't get much of a break and their friends die every day. He couldn't stand it if he lost will. He doesn't think he'd make it through leading Wills funeral. Will makes sure to check in with him whenever he can but sometimes when he's with a patient or so caught up with paperwork he loses track of time. Typically, if he forgets, Nico will find him in the infirmary in a panicked state. They always end up in Will's office, Nico clinging on as tight as he can to reassure himself that will is here, and he's okay, and he's breathing

Nico's been doing a lot better with eating after carrying the statue. Will's been helping him with his diet and eating regularly. While his eating isn't perfect, it's progress. Some days are harder than others. Nico can't get himself to eat his breakfast and trying to eat in the great hall is too hard. There are so many eyes on him and so many people. Will's trying to quietly motivate him but he wants to cry because he just can't do it. On days like this Will will show up at his cabin with McDonald's. It's not much, it doesn't make everything okay, but it does bring back some familiarity that makes it slightly easier to stomach a few bites. And Will is so proud because Nico is so strong, and part of Will wants to try and protect him from the world since it's fucked him over enough times.

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Hey I was up all night and then drank caffeine and my ADHD decided that it will use those things to dump a bunch of random-ass Nico di Angelo headcanons onto my blog for yall to see

Autistic Nico. Please he has so many traits just let my boi be autistic Rick you fuckin coward

Extreme adhd. Like how Leo's supposed to have. It just manifests in smaller and less "disruptive" ways. Like tapping his fingers or legs constantly and that kinda shit yknow

Stims lots. Lots of different ways too. He especially likes flapping his hands when he's happy but he's kinda embarrassed to do it around people but it also makes him even more happy to stim and he is conflicted- he also kinda scrunches up his face and rocks his fist from side to side when he's distressed, yes I'm projecting leave me alone

When given the chance and like. Once he's asked like 20 times whether the person's SURE because he doesn't wanna be annoying. He infodumps LOTS. Like he will infodump about something for like 10 minutes lmao

Lots of hyperfixations and special interests!!! Lots lots lots!!! Yknow when he was like 10 he liked pirates? I hc he got more into just general ocean stuff (like creatures and plants and stuff) and sailing stuff as he got older to the point of a special interest- and then he was fascinated by the way people used the stars to navigate before gps and compasses and etc and that got him into space stuffs. Gods help you if you agree to let him infodump about both, he'll talk for like 20 minutes straight (gay) about the stars and planets and sea life and how space is just a parallel of the sea because it's deep and mysterious and rockets and probes are like ships and submarines and he's just rlly excited plz you Have to let him infodump or he'll give you sad puppy eyes

Oh yeah when all else fails but he really wants something he just pulls out the puppy eyes card and it works every single fuckin time even for people whom it doesn't usually work with

Another special interest: different "mythologies". Not just Greek and Roman (though ofc those too), but lots of different ones. He knows lots of "myths" and creatures and gods and stuff from them

He identifies as a cis guy bUT he Lowkey vibes with they/them pronouns and if someone used xe/xem then he wouldn't be mad either- so like if asked xyr pronouns they'll say "he/him" but if like ASKED asked by someone who isn't afraid of a longish answer he adds "but they/them or xe/xem's chill too, basically call me what you want and I'm fine lol"

Sensory issues. Lots.

Gets sensory overload super easily, Will buys him noise canceling headphones to help with part of it and xe's legitimately OVERJOYED when Will gives them to him

He πŸ‘ goes πŸ‘ non πŸ‘ verbal πŸ‘ sometimes πŸ‘

Xe has a phobia of needles (same)

Also sp*ders and butterflies (yea butterflies)

But they're actually rlly good with animals as long as said animals are not like. Insects lol

Xyr sleep schedule is fucked- he switches between sleeping for days on end but awake for 2 hours and being awake for 5 days in a row but sleeping for 30 collective (not consecutive) minutes

Just randomly dissociates for like a solid few minutes for absolutely no reason and if xe dissociates while talking to you then you better be prepared to wait because you cannot get him out of it

Chronic nosebleeds. The littlest things trigger his nosebleeds and sometimes it just happens randomly

Will swears xe goes out of xyr way to get injuries because every day he has five new bruises or cuts or scrapes but in reality they're just clumsy as fuck

A rlly picky eater because ✨textures are weird✨

Cannot cook to save his life. He's disgracing his Italian origins (/j) but he doesn't rlly care, all he wants is to make boxed mac and cheese without burning something (including himself)

Actually rlly good with patients in the infirmary and he just goes to help Will all the time with things like checking on patients and bandaging/suturing wounds and splinting broken bones and stuff like that he just loves to help

Combat boots. That's all. Combat boots.

He 100% does awkward finger guns or peace signs all the time lol

His sword is a falcata because ✨dramatic✨ and ✨ominous✨

He lives in fingerless gloves during the winter

Really intolerant to cold- they'll just come out of his cabin in the winter wearing like four of Will's hoodies and two beanies and the thickest pair of sweatpants xe can find

He has lots of tiny half-visible freckles from hanging out with Will I do not make the rules

His hair is wavy and thick and poofy and I lomve- also the kid never brushes xyr hair and there's always tangles in it

Sorry this is so fuckin long adhd said "mmmm yes infodump all your hcs about your child why don't you"

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My Nico head canons cus I'm and class rn and we ain't doing shit:

-hes only short because he's malnourished

-and he isn't even that short he's like 5'6 at 14

-he still celebrates Bianca's birthday

-he doesn't like pda cus of the time he grew up in

-he has phantom pains a lot

-he and will didn't start dating right after the three days, it probably took awhile

-Travis and Conner were some of his only friends when Bianca was on her quest

-hes overprotective of his friends because of all the people he's lost before

-hes a slytherin(my opinion please don't fight me)

-hes an extrovert, hes only started isolating himself from others because of trauma

-if I ever find the TikTok that explains it I'll link it here:

-he loves animals, but they don't love him :-(

-Hades does actually love him he's just awkward

-I mean if you had a kid who's lost his mom and his sister and is deeply traumatized and was born in a different time what would you do

-he and Will argue about the stupidest shit

Kdjdjdjdbdjdjd this kept deleting cus I kept forgetting to save it as a draft so I rewrote this like 3 times-

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this is such a dumb idea hgbjmkgjhjm but here it goes: nico getting taught how to ride a bike

DKJDFHJ y e s πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί

Nico kind of forgot how to properly ride after getting his memory wiped so like,,,, the entire Camp has now decided it's their job to teach him.

The Hephaestus kids MAKE him an actual bike (although they have to keep Harley away from it because he wanted to add fire engine things pfft-).

Will sits Nico through a lecture about bike safety and wearing helmets because "death by no helmet is a dumb way for a demigod to go out".

The Hermes kids tried to sneak out of Camp to go steal a bike for this experience and Chiron was just like πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘

Nico is so confused why this is a such a big deal among the campers but they're all just excited and he doesn't want to argue.

It ends up almost tearing the Camp down because Harley managed to add his jets to it, and people kept arguing who gets to teach him lmaoooo.

And then PERCY finds out Nico is relearning how to ride his bike and because he's trying to become a better friend to Nico just kidnaps him for a week and takes him to the Blowfis-Jackson home and tries to teach him.

When Nico falls down the first time, Will is there with like fifty million tiny bandaids and stickers because Will Solace, everyone!

For Nico's birthday, Percy, Sally, and Paul get Nico a bike that he can keep at their place and use whenever he wants (even though he tries to insist they keep it/return it, they force him to take it in the end).

Him and Will biking around the city and seeing things all touristy!!!

(I'm sorry I got so excited by this I juST FKJDKHDHJDFJ DUMB HC'S HERE WE GO-)

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Nico di Angelo Headcanons because I felt like it

He plays the bass

Actually grows to be taller than Will, but only when he's like... 21

They can't cook for shit [meanwhile, Will and Leo are both secret chefs, so he really doesn't have to worry]

Rants for hours about the crimes of putting pineapples on pizza, though

He has an absolutely beautiful voice

And they're definitely a tenor

Has a crush on Mikey Way

They're actually really freaking good at painting and mainly does abstract

Ends up being a vegetarian because he got fed up of the smell of death [leo: ayy, more tofu tacos, I guess]

You've probably noticed, but he/they solidarity

Yeah, ima just say it before anyone gets confused about me consistently mentioning Leo: poly Soldezangelo

He cannot stand video games; they remind him too much of the lotus casino (he's an absolute god at all of them, though, and this is not up for debate)

Board games nerd, all the way

He doesn't celebrate their birthday, just because it was only a few weeks after Bianca died, and they don't want any more flashbacks, thanks

The best gift giver; he spoils everyone

About 5'3", then later around 6'4"

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Okay I've seen a lot of people claim that Uncle Rick is whitewashing Nico. and while that may been true it's also important to remember that *skin tones change*.

Nico was initially described as an olive skinned character- due to his italian heritage. later in the series, he is described as things such as ghostly pale. (You've also got to remember that olive is usually an undertone rather then a full skin tone.) While this may seem like a very sudden jump and very unrealistic, it's usually, not?

I'm italian and I lived in Italy for a few years. I was definitely olive skinned when I lived there, mainly due to the abundance of time I would spend outside or in sunlight. But when I moved to England, over the next few months I because very pale very quickly. I'm now paler then the majority of my friends, and that was initially due to the amount of time I would spend indoors, but I don't darken up naturally that much in the sun anymore (except when I visit my Nonna in Italy).

I think we can use me as an example here that Nico's skin tone may have become paler from just naturally being away from the sun (when he spent his time with minos, or in the labyrinth, and the time he spent in the underworld). Then you've also got to remember that he was also starved of oxygen and air and sunlight while trapped inside of the glass jar. After this he was, quite obviously, sickly. He was pale and starved and of course he wouldn't have a perfect olive tan! not to mention his lack of food and proper diet through all of his years.

I might also add that him constantly wearing black may make it seem even worse then it is. His pale skin would look much worse against the dark colours. I also have a headcanon that part of his colour choice was in mourning for Bianca- usually in Italy the widow or mother of the deceased would wear all black for a year to show their mourning. if the family had neither it was usually passed onto the siblings or father, or otherwise the closest relative. it wasnt unheard of for then to extend the time to way past a year either. It may have been instinct or distant memories or something that made him wear this clothing. I might be wrong but that's just one of my headcanons about our beautiful tesoro.

anyways, I fully believe that it's possible for Nico to be described as olive and then pale within a few months of each other, and if you've read this far thank you for listening to my rants baha

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what do think about frank and nico's dynamic together? (like not as a couple, but as friends or maybe like older brother/little brother)

this is SUCH an interesting question omfg i never really thought about it! lemme think of a few things! (also i'm making hazel & frank be JUST friends in these hc's!)

- i think they would both be good friends, frank often times hangs out w the apollo kids so himself, will, & nico can be found getting into little shenanigans around camp and being really good helpers

- nico & frank both talk to each other about how much they miss their mother's, nico will listen to frank's loving stories about her and frank will listen to nico about how it was growing up and they both have that connection that they bond over

- frank & hazel are good friends so anytime nico is @ the roman camp, those three & reyna + jason will just hang out! they have lots of fun & train together

- frank has met thanatos & nico considers thanatos his uncle basically and he calls upon his name to annoy him and him & frank just can't stop laughing about it

- will & frank do archery together and nico will test their skills and see if they can get the arrows into an eye of a skull he has (don't ask how and why and when nico got the skull. he just has a few in his arsenal)

- nico teaches frank how to play mythomagic and they love playing it when they're bored at camp or when the other person is stressed out! it's a fun game and frank finds it hilarious when nico curses like a sailor after losing a round to him bc nico is indeed the king of mythomagic

- frank & nico are quite sensitive and soft but also super strong and very capable and i think they'd be really good friends! :')

sorry this is super short but i hope you enjoy! <3

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Just wondering about something PJO\HOO releted

Am I the only one in love with the idea of older Nico Di Angelo having tattoos?

Just imagine…

We all know that 14 years old Nico is a tiny shrimp, but little do we know about his older self. He could just be a late bloomer, he has also been a deprived child, but now with the love of his friends, and his amazing boyfriend, he can be so much more.

I imagine his 18 years old self, as a muscular and lean boy, not too tall, just average, with his light olive skin, covered with scars, bruises and black ink, just practicing sword fighting with other campers.

Just fell in love with this! SEND HELP!


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I think the PJO Disney+ series should keep the "overcoming the blonde stereotype" subplot except with Percy and it's a recurring gag throughout the season

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- his hair is always soft and fluffy as long as he takes care of it. it's not exactly long but it's not exactly short either, just wavy in a billowing way that looks like darkness but feels like sleep

- his eyes are brown, somehow both cold and warm, like something that could heat you up at night or fill your heart with ice spikes and watch you freeze yourself. they're absolutely lovely though; they make time stop and freckles dot the corners

- he has all the piercings because him, piper, and leo are the Gays With Piercings squad. he wears all kinds of earrings - skulls, black studs, rainbows, wave charms that percy gives him or cactus charms that piper gives him. he has black septum rings because he lowkey-highkey loves the hades kid aesthetic, but he also color-coordinates with his outfits, so he owns basically the whole rainbow of colors, even one that IS rainbow. he also adores jewelry, black rings and black necklaces and chains and rainbow bracelets are absolutely his thing

- his voice is thick with emotion and impossibly soft all the same. when he speaks in italian his voice is softer but steady, singing words that make no sense but are intoxicating all the time. he's like piper when she charmspeaks or apollo when he sings; you have to listen. in english he is quieter and sharper but still nico. nico, humming something in italian to the creatures of the forest because he doesn't feel accepted anywhere else. nico, sitting with his friends and speaking words in italian while he laughs at their foolish attempts to replicate his language. nico, eyes as hard as stone, dark mist swirling around him while his opponents choke and die because they are dead.

- he likes dressing in black. not too feminine or masculine, but little touches here and there - a black skirt that drew lent him because he wanted to try to feel more fem; a black sweater from his sister that is oversized on him but he loves it all the same; a collared shirt from jason that fits his style perfectly, combat boots from percy that he grew out of that are marked with designs of the sea carved from a knife that nico would give up the world for; black and pink knee-high socks from piper because they jammed out to knee socks by arctic monkeys one day. his wardrobe is made up of everyone he loves and it makes him really happy

- he resents his father because he has never forgotten how he will never be fully, truly loved. he hates zeus for taking away his mother. he has lived without parents for as long as he can remember

- he is always a little sad, a little tired. he wishes he was angry more often, but he hates being angry, too, so he just tries to love the little things, like jason's smile or piper's hair pinned up with the skull clips nico gave her for halloween

- he is always haunted by a thousand ghosts. he sees bianca and jason, and sometimes he sees people he never knew but that he will listen to late at night like patroclus. because if he will not listen, who will? he would rather learn than sleep

- he tries not to seem emotional but his eyes betray him and the dancing freckles on his nose seem to tell a story of how he breathes

- "i love you." he is so scared to say it for fear he is a ghost too. "i love you." he thinks of piper laughing with him and pulling him along in the mall; leo showing him fire tricks just to get him to smile; percy drenching them both in water and laughing at how nico's hair covers his eyes when wet. "i love you." he wishes he could say it.

- when he loses control he starts screaming and never stops and he doesn't remember it but he strangles someone with the power he barely harnesses and leaves them nothing but a skeleton that crackles along. if everyone he loved has to be dead, what does it matter if someone else is dead, too?

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at this point the pjo/riordanverse fandom decides what's canon or not, not rick. yes, blitzstone canon. percy is nonwhite. nico uses he/they. jason never died. it's canon cause we said so

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Watch me become absolutely feral when there is a Nico and Bianca cameo in the lightning thief, a Hylla and Reyna cameo in Sea of Monsters and maybe even a reference to Mount Othyrs where the campers wonder who is going to guard that area

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Something something Nico appearing in the middle of a fight - in a suit, of all things: black Italian slim-fit, wine red tie and velvet gloves, a laurel wreath, sleeve garters, skull cufflinks and dress shoes - to help fight off the monsters.

And when the other stares, Nico just rolls his eyes, grumbling, "I was in the middle of a business meeting."

Nothing it's just me suddenly very interested in the image of Nico di Angelo taking off his suit jacket and loosening his tie, all the while scowling and keeping his sword pointed at the vicious monster. "Ugh, I hate fighting in this thing."

Edit: god bless soup for the art

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I have a Solangelo headcanon! Nico and Will get a cat that hates everyone and everything except for Nico.

Wait I wanna draw this πŸ˜‚

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(I forgot to write the speech bubble 😭😭 please excuse that)

Papa Nico couldn't decide what to name him so he went with all 4

Enter second dad, William:

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Will couldn't sleep for a week after that.

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I have a head canon that Sally finds out about butterfly pea flower tea and she's just v excited for Percy to try it because it's NATURALLY blue and it's healthy!!!

If you don't know what that is, it's this stuff:

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Sally finds a way to make it just right every time

So naturally, Percy decides it's a new go-to

Will ask everyone to try it because "look, it's blue and my mom made it."

Annabeth just loves that Percy's a tea guy now

it's a little funny to see this tall, messy skater kid walking around with his lil pretty blue water bottle

Grover very nonchalantly mentions to everyone that lemon changes the color from blue to purple

Nico decides that this is a challenge

And he manages to rope Hazel into it

And then Leo is involved for some reason

And nothing bad happens obviously but every now and then, there's a very grumpy Percy walking around with a purple drink in hand


it's literally been YEARS since I've read any of the Riordanverse books apologies if any of this is just out of character (I miss them and this was the first thing that came to mind when I found out what butterfly pea flower tea was lol)

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How do you think Poseidon reacted when he found out HADES' SON had a huge crush on Percy for years??

Okay. This is just me but I am of the belief that Poseidon might have been the very first to know. Even before Nico. Just because little Nico probably prayed to Poseidon like "omg Greek gods are real so I'm really talking to someone now!! Do you know how many attack points you have? You're so cool. Your son is cool too…and pretty…."

And Poseidon is sitting there in Atlantis like "I mean, he looks like me so probs"

But over time it becomes obvious and Poseidon is just listening to Nico's prayers like "my kid is NEVER gonna catch onto this" and then he notices Nico stops praying so he checks in and sees Nico running around the Labyrinth with Percy chasing him like "oh, this isn't gonna end well" and maybe sends some subtle help to get him out of a few tight spots (what? He's clearly a good kid if he likes his son. Anyone who likes Percy should be rewarded in Poseidon's eyes - for having commendable taste).

And then during TLO when they're celebrating, Poseidon catches him staring at Percy and Nico and him just are looking at one another like:

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*cue she knows audio*

But that isn't Poseidon's business so he just nopes out of there and doesn't think much of it until later on when it's common knowledge and asks Hades if Nico has a boyfriend yet and Hades is all annoyed like "it's none of your business, leave my son alone"

And Poseidon is like "he once prayed to me for about an hour trying to figure out if Percy smiling at him meant they were married. He might not ever date my son, but that kid is still my son-in-law. Now tell me if he's with the Solace whelp."

So now Poseidon and Hades have secret meetings where they talk shit about Annabeth and Will because "why did our children chose the kids with the worst immortal parent ever?" lmao

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